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Tank Management Services


For SIR, DOT Training, Mock Audits & Operator Training Services

Call: (800)530-5683 or (785)233-1414

3rd Quarter TMS Advisor - Newsletter

25 Oct 2023 4:46 PM | Website Admin

The Fuel True/TMS team recently met with the KDHE team to discuss current issues in the department and how TMS can be of assistance - More to follow.

TMS has recently expanded SIR services to all 50 states so if you know anyone who can utilize our services, let us know or give them our contact information below.

TMS is happy to announce the addition of Alicia Hernandez to our team. Alicia will be processing your data and supporting the SIR program. Welcome aboard Alicia!!

Click Here to read our full 3rd Quarter TMS Advisor.

Tank Management Services, Inc.

115 SE 7th Street

Topeka, KS 66603

Phone: (800) 530-5683 or (785) 233-1414

Fax: (785) 354-4374

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